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    Mosberg statement

    Holocaust survivor, Edward Mosberg, called on Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, to apologize to the Polish nation. The issue concerns his statement from February 2019 in which he stated that Poles are genetically predisposed to anti-Semitism.

    General “Gray” archive

    Today, documents, letters and other memorabilia of General Antoni Heda were given to the Modern Records Archives by his daughter. General Heda, codename „Szary”, was a legendary commander of the Polish Home Army during the Second World War and of the anti-Communist resistance after the war. He was famous for his extraordinary bravery. Apart from “Szary’s” personal documents, the Modern Records Archives also received precious sources for the research of the history of the Radomsko-Kieleckie regions in the context of the Home Army, including original orders and reports from the partisan actions. They also gathered photographs from conspiracy operations which have never been published before.

    Tragedy in Slovakia

    A tragic accident happened today in Slovakia. According to the local fire department, 13 people were killed when a bus collided with a truck near the city of Nitra. Another 20 were injured.

    Farewell to professor Galicka

    The funeral of Izabella Galicka: art historian, discoverer of the only El Greca painting found in Poland, named “Ecstasy of Saint Francis”. Professor Galicka was buried at the Powązki Military cemetery. The funeral had a state character

    Netflix will think about it

    Netflix published a documentary series titled “The Devil Next Door” about a German Nazi Concentration camp guard, Ivan Demianiuk, who served in occupied Poland. In the series there is shown a map of concentration camps drawn with the current borders of Poland. This could lead to an impression that the Polish authorities were cooperating with Nazi Germany. The Polish government demands a correction and an apology.

    Our Parliament, your Senate

    The inaugural meetings of the Sejm and Senate of the new term are ongoing. Yesterday, both houses of parliament elected the marshals and presideas of both Houses. Law and Justice have an independent majority in the Sejm. In turn, the opposition has an advantage in the Senate. Many argue that this division could determine the nature of the current term.

    To the USA without a visa

    On 11th November LOT Polish Airlines flight from Warsaw’s Okęcie airport to Los Angeles marked a long-awaited moment. For its passengers included the first Polish citizens able to travel to the United States without visas after Poland joined the visa waiver program on 11th November, fittingly the national independence holiday.

    The Great Emmigration of 1830s

    Nicholas Richardson and the Great Emmigration of 1830s - after the failure of November uprising

    Sign of peace in the Parliament

    The MPs of the 9th Polish parliament were sworn in today following the Law and Justice party’s win in last month’s parliamentary elections. During the inaugural session, speeches were given by the Polish president Andrzej Duda and the senior speaker, Antoni Macierewicz. Elżbieta Witek, became the speaker of the lower house, the Sejm, in the absence of other candidates. The parliamentary clubs decided that the Sejm will have 5 deputy speakers.

    Independence Day in Poland

    Poland celebrates one of its most important national holidays today – the anniversary of the country’s regaining independence in 1918, 123 years after the third partition of Poland in 1795. On this 101st anniversary, the Polish president, Andrzej Duda, laid flowers in front of the statues of the so-called fathers of Independence. After that, the Polish head of state and many other government officials attended a solemn Holy Mass offered for the Country.

    Freedom of Speech: publisher Ringer Axel Springer sues Polish Journalist for mentioning Nazi past of the company's founders

    The court case by Ringier Axel Springer against journalist Witold Gadowski has had its third hearing. The German-Swiss group is demanding an apology from Gadowski for statements in which the journalist spoke about the connections between Springer and its founder and Hitler's regime during the Third Reich. According to Gadowski, the whole issue is about limiting freedom of speech in Poland.

    Election in Poland: 56 votes recounts claimed!

    The Polish Supreme Court has received 56 recount requests, the deadline for the lodging of which was midnight Tuesday, October 22. The governing Law and Justice party has demanded a recount in 6 districts, two of which were Senate districts. The largest opposition party, Civic Platform, filed two requests. As a result of the elections, Law and Justice lost its majority in the upper chamber. In one district the opposition candidate won by some 300 votes with thousands of votes having been declared invalid. Opposition leader Grzegorz Schetyna hopes that opposing the recounts will stop the Supreme Court from ordering them and save his job, since following the opposition’s electoral loss, many are calling for his head. From the Sejm, Aleksandra Zarzycka reports.

    Lending criteria tightened by Polish banks

    In the third quarter of 2019, banks have tightened lending criteria for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as regarding consumer and housing loans, the report published on Monday by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) stated. For the framework of the report, the NBP did a survey among 24 banks in Poland, which indicated they would tighten some of the criteria and conditions of lending for SMEs, without any significant changes in the policy regarding big companies or in the demand for credit. Banks have slightly increased the loan margin and the required credit collateral. The banks which tightened their credit policies explained their decision by citing the possibility of a worsening of the current or the expected situation of: the bank, the biggest borrowers and the entire economy. They also indicated such factors as the increase of the risk in the given sector and the increase in the proportion of non-performing loans in their portfolio. For the last quarter of 2019 a further tightening of loan policy for SMEs and no momentous changes in credit demand are expected.

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