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    Biejat on notice

    During an interview with journalists in Zagrzeb, Grzegorz Schetyna informed that Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska has an opponent in the presidential primaries of the Civic Coalition. The candidates name, however, was not disclosed. In the afternoon the President of Poznań, Jacek Jaśkowiak, stated that he would stand up to the primaries.

    There is no conflict

    Polish MPs focused yesterday on a debate around a bill proposing to lift the limit of social pension contributions. Presently, there is a fixed contribution cap for high earners. The opposition claims that the withdrawal of this bill is supposed to prove the conflict in the ruling right camp. Politicians of the ruling camp, however, deny that there is a conflict at all, and the discussion about the bill on the abolition of the contribution ceiling is a normal one for Poland’s finances.

    Soros reopens Central European University in Vienna

    Billionaire George Soros opened the new main campus of his Central European University or CEU in Vienna on Friday after the university had been expelled from Hungary by Viktor Orban. The conservative Hungarian Prime Minister had earlier made it clear that CEU did not comply with Hungarian law on education and, as a result, would be forced to leave the country.

    Normality, family, prosperity

    Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki delivered his expose in the Sejm yesterday. In an 80-minute speech, the prime minister set out the government's priorities for the new term. He mentioned, among others, defending the family and children against the effects of the cultural war, building a prosperous state, as well as creating a demographic strategy for Poland.

    Decision of The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg

    The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg decided yesterday that it is the Polish Supreme Court which should investigate the independence of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court. In particular, according to the European Court, the Supreme Court should decide whether the board should have the authority to decide on the retirement of judges. If the Supreme Court rules that the board is biased, it will be able to stop sending matters concerning the retirement of judges to it.

    What the Prime Minister will say

    Today Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is to deliver an expose of his government in the Sejm. Afterwards, speeches of individual parliamentary clubs are planned, and in the evening voting on the vote of confidence for the new cabinet of Prime Minister Morawiecki will take place.


    Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets yesterday to demand the impeachment of the Supreme Court judge, Gilmar Mendes. Mendes is accused of going against the spirit of the law, freeing a number of corrupt politicians over the years from what were considered certain prison sentences. The latest example is the recent decision to free the former President Luiz da Silva from prison 7 years early.

    POLAND FIRST TO FIGHT – first of a kind conference in the USA

    Today the United States Capitol, Washington D.C. is hosting a historical conference titled „POLAND FIRST TO FIGHT". The conference organized by Coalition of Polish Americans is to last three days. The purpose is to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War. The conference is a gathering of historians, journalists, filmmakers, senior officials, museum curators, and publishers. Chair of the Program Committee is Prof. Marek Kornat from the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

    The Confederation Party : They will have options to choose from

    The Confederation party, on the other hand, has no shortage of candidates for the presidential primaries. 9 politicians associated with the formation will run in the electoral primaries.

    Disappearing primaries

    The Civic Platform party previously announced presidential primaries in its grouping. It seems, however, that this will not come into effect, as no one leader is willing to be the "proverbial hare" for Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska. According to commentators, this situation is favorable for the party’s chairman, Grzegorz Schetyna, as it allows for his maintaining control over the party.

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