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    Poland's PM: Poland will not pay damages – we should receive them

    “We will often find compensation if we think more of what life has given us and less about what life has taken away.” The words of Scots theologian William Barclay which, while no doubt a wise philosophical approach, cut little ice in the modern mercenary milieu, especially if there are grievances to be assuaged. Thus, the Polish foreign ministry has announced the cancellation of a planned visit by Israeli officials because it seemed Israel wished the talks to focus on the restitution of property that once belonged to Jews.

    Poland's PM: Poland will not pay damages – we should receive them

    “We will often find compensation if we think more of what life has given us and less about what life has taken away.” The words of Scots theologian William Barclay which, while no doubt a wise philosophical approach, cut little ice in the modern mercenary milieu, especially if there are grievances to be assuaged. Thus, the Polish foreign ministry has announced the cancellation of a planned visit by Israeli officials because it seemed Israel wished the talks to focus on the restitution of property that once belonged to Jews.

    Telewizja Republika Awards for 2018!

    2018 Telewizja Republika Awards were handed out to Artur Soboń, deputy Minister of Investment and Economic Development , Zbigniew Jagiełło, PKO Bp chairman and Leszek Sosnowski, presidednt of the Biały Kruk Publishing House, were the first laureates of Telewizja Republika Awards, presented at the gala on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the station's establishment.

    Poland’s Civic Platform Leader Calls for Euro Adoption Debate

    The leader of the opposition party Civic Platform, Grzegorz Schetyna, has called for a national debate on the adoption of the Euro currency. Speaking to Reuters, Schetyna explained that Poland needs time to “conduct an open debate on the Euro”.

    Telewizja Republika to celebrate its 6th anniversary on May 9th

    The gala, which will be livestreamed, will see a number of people receive prestigious awards for their achievements in politics, business and culture.

    EU Demands Poland Contributes More

    Vice President of the European Commission Jyrki Katainen has told the media in Warsaw that the European Union is “not just a money machine” and that Poland must contribute more.

    May 2nd – National Flag Day in Poland

    May 2nd is celebrated across Poland as National Flag Day. The day’s celebrations began in Warsaw on May 2nd with a ceremonial raising of the flag at the Royal Castle’s clock tower. The Polish President Andrzej Duda, accompanied by his wife Agata, made a speech at the ceremony.

    Visiting Jan Kochanowski in Czarnolas

    In almost all of his work, even in epigrams, we can see Kochanowski’s turn towards the renaissance humanism, especially in songs. Kochanowski was often...

    Polish PM: EU membership has been good for Polish economy, as parties campaign

    “Elections remind us not only of the rights but the responsibilities of citizenship in a democracy.” The words of Robert Kennedy which we do well to remember in an age when dissatisfaction with politicians leads to voter apathy and cynicism. And this, tends to make the position worse not better. The simple fact is that the only way to bring about change is through participation. In Poland, in the run up to the European parliamentary elections, the politicians are certainly trying to engage the voters.

    Jan Rostowski to Run for European Parliament…in England

    Jan Rostowski, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland, is running for election to the European Parliament. He is standing for the Change UK party in the United Kingdom, a new party started by former members of the Labour Party and Conservative Party. He will be running as a candidate to represent London, and he could realistically be in with the chance of winning a seat.

    With Central Communication Port LOT Polish Airlines will span the world

    Ever since the discussion of a new airport to replace the Warsaw Chopin Airport began in the 2000s, plans of establishing an infrastructure to serve as the central transportation hub has been long on the the country’s agenda. A concrete plan for the construction of said project was slowly being drafted and has rapidly picked up its pace since the rising to power of the Law and Justice party, approving the plan on November 2017.

    EBRD to increase spending on green energy projects in Poland.

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development plans to increase its funding for Poland’s renewable energy this year, after the government shifted toward green energy, a senior EBRD official has said.

    Śmigus-dyngus, the Polish holiday which broke Anderson Cooper

    Every Easter Monday, Poles engage in what must be one of the world's largest water fights. The tradition started over a thousand years ago in pagan times before incorporating Christian elements in the medieval era.

    Sri Lanka suicide bombings: more than 200 people killed

    The Easter Sunday bomb blasts at three churches and four hotels in Sri Lanka killed more than 200 people and wounded at least 450,...

    Polish Easter Tradition – Pisanki

    Easter in Poland is all about the observation of Catholic rituals related to the resurrection of Christ, homemade decorations and food, and spending time at the table with family and loved ones.

    Warsaw commemorates the 76th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    The commemoration ceremony which took place in Warsaw on April 19th was the first such ceremony to take place following the death of the last Warsaw Ghetto Uprising veteran, Simcha Rotem, who passed away on the 22nd of December at the age of 94. 

    2018 was a record-breaking year for Polish aviation

    Polish airports served 45,7 million passengers in 2018, a 14% of increase compared to 2017 and an all-time high. The national flag carrier, LOT Polish Airlines carried almost two million passengers more than in 2017, with an impressive 8,7 million passengers served in 2018. According to aviation market experts, 2019 is expected to be another record year for LOT both in terms of cargo and passenger traffic.

    Finance Ministry: Poland’s economy to grow by 4% in 2019

    Poland’s finance ministry announced on Tuesday that it expects the economy to grow by 4 per cent this year which is faster than 3.8 per cent growth assumed for the 2019 budget, approved by parliament earlier this year.

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    President’s Message on the Anniversary of the 2023 Parliamentary Elections

    Dear Mr. Speaker of the Sejm, Madam Speaker of...

    “Rock Rachon” Expands Horizon: A New Chapter Unfolds on Republika TV

    In a bold move to broaden its international reach, Republika TV proudly announces the permanent inclusion of the English-language program Rock Rachon - We Rollin’ to its programming lineup. Hosted by the charismatic Michał Rachoń, the show has quickly become a staple on the channel's airwaves.

    Exploring Where to Tune into Republika TV: A Viewer’s Handbook

    Whether in the traditional realm of television or the expansive online landscape, embarking on the quest to find Republika TV is a venture worth considering. With the readers in mind, the dedicated team at Republika TV has curated a concise guide to swiftly pinpoint the Free Speech Zone television station. We urge you to share this valuable information with others!

    2024 10 08 Poland Daily Weather

    Ewa Swoboda, Poland’s Fastest Woman, Faces Unfounded Gender Scrutiny

    In the world of athletics, where the measure of...

    Unveiling Columbus: A Polish Twist to the Explorer’s Legacy

    Dr. Manuel Rosa, renowned for his research on Christopher Columbus, recently presented a groundbreaking theory at the Polish consulate in New York. Rosa challenges the conventional belief that Columbus was Italian, suggesting instead that he may have been Polish.

    Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

    A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.