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    Kidawa-Błońska and Jaśkowiak

    An election convention of the Civic Platform party was held in the Warsaw Global Expo hall. The opposition chose its presidential candidate, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, who will run in next year's presidential elections.


    The success of the Conservative Party led by Boris Johnson on Thursday The UK general election is historic. The Tories gained 365 of 650 seats in the House of Commons, which is the best result of the event since Margaret Thatcher was in office. The resulting majority allows conservatives to govern themselves, and thus close the Brexit case. The election brought a defeat to the Labor Party, which won only 203 seats. This is the party's worst result for over 80 years, which led their leader Jeremy Corbyn to resign.

    Judges against Poland

    A storm broke out after the submission by the Law and Justice of a draft bill on the structure of common courts. The opposition calls it a ‘repressive act’. According to politicians of the opposition, the project violates the Polish constitution. According to the politicians of the ruling party, the bill is completely constitutional, and the hysteria around it is intended only to fuel political conflict.

    Szlachetna Paczka

    'Szlachetka Paczka' is a project organized every year to help families with financial difficulties. Thanks to the volunteers and donors, families receive packages that meet their individual needs and often also their dreams. This year, the project has helped over 14,562 families throughout Poland. The total value of the donations exceeded 45 million Polish zloty.

    Christmas market in Poland

    Christmas markets in Poland are held every year during December. They attract many thousands of people, especially those who love the magical time of Christmas. A Christmas market is a perfect place to try traditional, regional food, drink mulled wine, or buy original presents.

    Battle for the UK

    Tonight, at 10 pm UK time when the polling stations close, we will have the results of the exit polls from today’s UK general election. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party is the favorite to win. If the party wins a majority, the prime minister will be able to end the first phase of Brexit by passing his Withdrawal Agreement into law by 31st January next year.

    Who is responsible for failure in Warsaw

    A government spokesman, Piotr Muller, said on radio one, that the president of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, will need help to deal with failure at a city heating plant which has left several areas of the city without heat. He also said that this is a common problem in Warsaw.

    In Brussels about budget and climate

    A meeting of the European Council is taking place in Brussels. Charles Michel from Belgium is chairing the meeting for the first time since becoming president of the council. The talks are focussed on the new EU plan, announced yesterday, to achieve climate neutrality, and the new EU budget. Aleksandra Zarzycka, our special correspondent, reports from Brussels.

    Compulsory e-prescriptions coming soon

    The obligation to issue prescriptions in electronic form will enter into force on 8 January. Paper prescriptions will be issued in certain cases - reminds the Ministry of Health. The Ministry claims that the regulations do not provide for penalties, but encourage the transition to new rules.

    President with high support

    In December, 63 percent surveyed by CBOS assesses Andrzej Duda's presidency well, 29 percent - negative. December head of state quotations are similar to those of the previous month.

    500 plus allowance before Christmas

    Family minister Marlena Maląg appealed to the voivods and local governments for the efficient payment of “500 plus” before Christmas. - Benefits from various support systems, primarily from the "Family 500 plus" program, constitute an important part of the household budget - she emphasized.

    Add: redakcja


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